Add this app to your Home Screen for a secure, native app-like experience with offline access and instant updates.

Know more about 'Progressive Web Apps' (PWA)

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser. PWAs offer a native app-like experience without needing to download an app from the App Store or Play Store.

PWAs are built using the same secure technologies as any other website. When you “Add to Home Screen,” you are essentially creating a shortcut to our website. The content is delivered via the web and adheres to the same security protocols as any web application.

Yes, it is completely safe. Our PWA is hosted on secure servers and uses HTTPS to encrypt all data transmitted between your device and our servers. This ensures your information is protected from unauthorized access.

PWAs offer many of the same features as traditional mobile apps, such as offline functionality, push notifications, and access to device hardware. However, they are easier to install and do not require a visit to the app store. This means quicker updates and less storage space used on your device.

We are currently in beta testing mode and want to ensure we deliver the best experience possible before making our app available on the App Store or Play Store. The PWA allows us to roll out updates quickly and gather feedback from our users effectively.

1. For Android (Chrome):

•Open your Chrome browser and visit our website.

•Tap the menu icon (three dots) in the top right corner.

•Select “Add to Home Screen.”

•Follow the prompts to add the app.

2.For iOS (Safari):

•Open Safari and visit our website.

•Tap the share button (square with an arrow pointing up).

•Select “Add to Home Screen.”

•Follow the prompts to add the app.

Fast and Reliable: PWAs cache resources efficiently, making the app load quickly even with a slow internet connection.

Offline Access: Once the app is installed, you can access it even when you are offline.

Low Storage Use: PWAs use significantly less storage space compared to traditional apps.

Seamless Updates: PWAs update automatically without needing to visit the app store, ensuring you always have the latest features.

Yes, you can uninstall the PWA just like any other app. Simply remove the shortcut from your home screen, and it will be uninstalled from your device.

Our PWA uses the latest security protocols to ensure your data is safe. We employ HTTPS to encrypt data, and our servers are regularly updated and monitored for any security vulnerabilities.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at We are here to help and ensure you have the best experience possible.